ætla að hafa myndirnar upp í smá tíma þanngað til ég læri að setja einhverjar myndir af mér eða einhverjum sem ég virkilega þekki ;) en þanngað til njótið vel...i know i will ;)
You are going to Marry Colin Farell. He is crazy
and often drunk, but he is capable of being
sweet. He is very mysterious and cute.
Which male celebrity are you going to marry? (now 12 (i just added more, and still more to come!)results that have pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla
You are going to Marry orlando Bloom. He will
always treat you right and is very romantic. He
will do anything for you. He is very polite and
has deep brown eyes and is very good looking
(which is another plus!). He can make anything
cheesy look really hot(like sliding down stairs
on a shield shooting arrows or wearing pointy
ears for example). Congrats!!
Which male celebrity are you going to marry? (now 12 (i just added more, and still more to come!)results that have pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla
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